Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Effect of environmental regulations on trade Essay

Effect of environmental regulations on trade - Essay Example Held and McGrew (2002) review several definitions for globalization and emphasize that while all are accurate, few capture the complexity of the phenomenon and therefore, do not comprehensively define globalization. From their perspective, while it is virtually impossible to define globalization in a single sentence, it can best be described as an economic phenomenon whose primary motivation is the imposition of the capitalism and economic liberalization upon the global economy and, in brief, the globalization of capital.According to this definition, globalization is the removal of obstacles towards the movement of goods and services across national borders, such as import and export taxes, customs and tariffs, resulting in reduced state control over economies and markets.As may be inferred from the foregoing definition, globalization has facilitated the movement of capital goods across national borders, with little, if any, state intervention.Within the context of this understanding , globalization has expanded markets and, importantly, has provided producers, manufacturers and business entities both with access to foreign markets and the ability to compete with domestic goods on relatively equal terms.Even while emphasizing the validity of the aforementioned and stressing that trade liberalization has, to a very large extent, achieved all of the stated, it is important to concede to the fact that environmental regulations have countered the trend towards the free movement of goods and services across national boundaries. ... 2 Effect of Environmental Regulations on Trade As may have been deduced from the introduction, environmental regulations affect international trade volumes and patterns. The extent to which it may do so will be examined in this section. 2.1 Trade Volumes Several studies have upheld the argument that environmental regulations have the potential to function as obstacles to the movement of capital goods and services across national boundaries and, in so doing, afford domestic producers an advantage over foreign ones. These same studies have also found that countries which have comparatively lax environmental regulations have a comparative advantage over those which have more stringent regulations, insofar as attracting foreign direct investment is concerned (McCormick, 2001; Anweiler, Copeland and Taylor, 2002). On the basis of empirical evidence, however, Anweiler, Copeland and Taylor (2002) find that the aforementioned comparative advantage is not sustainable. For example, Mexico's lax environmental regulations may have afforded it a comparative advantage where US foreign direct investment is concerned but it has hardly contributed to the growth of Mexican international trade and exports since operative environmental regulations in ot her countries act as an obstacle to the entry of Mexican exports. Similarly, the comparatively low standards of domestic environmental regulations in the United States have adversely impacted US international trade volumes (McCormick, 2001). Indeed, in his study of US international trade from 1958-1994, McCormick (2001) found that environmental regulations functioned as a serious obstacles to US exports and trade, especially to Europe and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Answering Questions On Ethics In Marks And Spencer Accounting Essay

Answering Questions On Ethics In Marks And Spencer Accounting Essay Marks Spencer is one of the UKs leading retailers, with over 21 million people visiting their stores each week. MS offer stylish, high quality, great value clothing and home products, as well as outstanding quality foods, responsibly sourced from around 2,000 suppliers globally. MS employ over 75,000 people in the UK and abroad, and have over 600 UK stores, plus an expanding international business. MS is the number one provider of womens wear and lingerie in the UK, and are rapidly growing our market share in menswear, kids wear and home, due in part to our growing online business. Overall, our clothing and home ware sales account for 49% of our business. The other 51% of our business is in food, where we sell everything from fresh produce and groceries, to partly-prepared meals and ready meals. 1.1 Marks Spencers Code of Ethics Marks Spencer is committed to Quality, Value, Service, Innovation and Trust. Trust is earned from others as a result of commitment to long held values and the ethical manner in which MS behave that underpins t. Having trust is a very important part of what makes Marks Spencer a special company and MS all have a responsibility to protect this heritage This includes: Complying with the law in the UK and all others countries in which M S operate. Following company policies and procedures. Acting in a professional manner with honesty and integrity at all times. If in doubtdoing the right thing! Detailed policies on specific issues are maintained by the relevant area of the Company. This Code of Ethics describes the behaviours that Marks Spencer expects by stakeholders. Question 1 The Code of Ethics applies to everyone working for MS .code of ethics will apply each company which are you are located in the world. In other words Code of Ethics will apply all the stakeholders of Marks Spencer .As follows Customers MS code of ethics will apply to its all customers. MS values the loyalty and confidence of our customers above all else. MS offer the highest possible standards of Quality, Value, Service, Innovation and Trust. Colleagues There are separate code of ethics will apply to the Colleagues of M S. It includes the committed to an active Equal Opportunities Policy, from recruitment and selection, through training and development, appraisal and promotion, right up to retirement etc. Shareholders MS is owned by the individuals and organisations that invest in our shares. MS code of ethics will apply to its all shareholders. MS focused on building a sustainable business for the long term, generating shareholder value through consistent, profitable growth. Suppliers MS sources products from around the world, respecting third party rights and design integrity. There are unique code of ethics procedure apply to suppliers of MS to provide customers with the best quality products at competitive prices. Environment The natural environment provides all the raw materials need to operate MS business. MS is committed to the principle of sustainable development which underpins their eco plan which in line with code of ethics Government Public There are different roles expected from managers and employees. Managers have more power than employs as well as more responsibilities than employees. All MS employees are required to comply with the Code of Ethics and the policies including managers. Managers (level E and above) have additional responsibilities under the Code: Ensure the Code is understood by those they manage; Provide advice and guidance on interpreting the Code; Uphold and promote the requirements of the Code; Individually sign their acceptance of the Code each year. Managers expected to behave differently from Employees because they have more responsibilities and power than employees. If any employee do wrong thing with knowledge should not their managers must take action agency it and do not remain silent. Managers must take action to all matters of malpractice, improper action or wrongdoing in very seriously and managers has to strongly encouraged to raise incidents or behaviours that are not in accordance with the Code of Ethics, or the policies Question 2 MS Code of Ethics outlines the behaviours that upholds as a Company and MS conduct business with the highest standards of honesty and integrity. MS has different different standard of business conduct expected from each group. As example employees, suppliers etc. Suppliers : MS work in partnership with all suppliers to ensure that they comply at all times with the high standards and commitments set out in our Global Sourcing Principles, in addition to requiring all suppliers to work towards achieving the adoption of the recognised international standards contained in the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code, as set out in the MS Global Supplier Workbook. Employees standard of business conduct expected by customers from MS will be highest possible standards of Quality, Value, Service, Innovation and Trust. MS will always try to make sure their labelling, advertising and other forms of Communication are clear, honest and accurate and MS always work to respect cultural and ethical beliefs. Failure to comply with the Code and its policies and procedures will result in disciplinary procedures being applied that may result in dismissal from the Company. In instances of fraud, where financial loss has been incurred, individuals will be prosecuted and the Company will seek to recover losses. Consequences of Failure to Comply 1.If a director or employee violates this Code, fails to properly report a violation of this Code or intentionally submits a false report, he/she will be subject to discipline. In the event of a violation of any law, rule or regulation, the violation may be reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. The discipline imposed will vary depending on the nature, severity, and frequency of the violation as well as the status of the person involved. Discipline will be imposed for violations of this Code, failure to report violations and withholding relevant and material information concerning violations. Directors and employees will be informed of the charges against them and will be given the opportunity to explain their actions before any disciplinary action is imposed. 2. Varying levels of disciplinary action may be imposed, including: (a) Verbal Warning (b) Written Warning (c) Written Reprimand (d) Probation (e) Suspension (f) Termination or Reminders 3. Offenders may also be subject to criminal prosecution and civil liability, including compensating the Company or other injured parties for their loss. 4. No employee may be retaliated against for reporting in good faith to the Company, in accordance with this Code, any suspected misconduct or violation of this Code. Any employee who believes he or she has been retaliated against, or threatened with retaliation, should inform the Director of Human Resources, the Compliance Officer or a representative of the Board immediately. Employees or directors who violate this non-retaliation policy will be subject to discipline. Individuals are expected to act responsibly and ethically in reporting under this Code. Employees and directors must not use this Code or any of its procedures in bad faith or in a false or frivolous manner. A code of ethics is a set of guidelines that are applied when conducting business. It often includes the correct way to deal with customers. It is used to address everything from conflicts of interest to standards of professional conduct. Purpose of code of ethics is Businesses develop a code of ethics to build a moral and ethical workplace and to help guide employees when conducting day-to-day business. . It also tells others what the organization stands for and what to expect when doing business with it A whistle blowing is the process which raises a concern about wrongdoing occurring in an organization or body of people. whistle blowing revealed misconduct may be classified in many ways; for example, a violation of a law, rule, regulation and/or a direct threat to public interest, such as fraud, health/safety violations, and corruption. Purpose of Whistle blowing Guide is provide better understating about the organizational process of Whistle blowing and make reminder to all employees there will be some one unknowingly concern about wrongdoing occurring in an organization as well as reduce the wrong doing such as violation of a law, rule, regulation and/or a direct threat to public interest, such as fraud, health/safety violations, and corruption Bribery, Gifts and Entertainment Ethical issue involved is taking Bribery, Gifts and Entertainment. It is unethical. Bribery, a form of corruption, it is an act implying money or gift given that alters the behavior of the recipient. Bribery constitutes a crime. According to The UK Bribery Act received Royal Assent in April 2010 and bribery can be as follows Making a bribe, Accepting a bribe Bribing a Foreign Public Official Failing to prevent bribery at a corporate level MS code of ethics is not allow its employees to give or accept improper payments, or gifts in order to conduct business anywhere in the world As well as Do not allow suppliers to pay travel or accommodation expenses. Any employee should not get involved in any business transactions that could result in personal benefit. You should not use their position as an MS employee to get discounts from contractors/suppliers unless they are corporate agreed discounts notified and made available to all employees, or do personal business, unless expressly authorised by management. Why is it relevant in business? The major impact for business is that noncompliance with rules and regulation of the country as well as company code of ethics. Taking Bribery, Gifts and Entertainment is criminal offence. in other words Failure to prevent bribery by taking adequate measures is a criminal offence, which in effect makes company directors liable for the actions of their employees if they do not introduce sufficient controls any organization should have responsibility to prevent taking bribery, gift and entertainment through the introduction of adequate measures. The UK government had introduced new rules to cover Bribery, The new offences cover the briber and the bribed as well as taking Gifts and Entertainment The Act also introduces a new offence of failing to prevent such bribery taking place. relevance of this kind of unethical practices to the business is The sentence can be up to ten years imprisonment for an individual and/or an unlimited fine. Senior management could be deemed to be personally liable if the corporate body commits an offence where the senior officer was a participant in the offence (1-3 below) or knew of the offence. Businesses can face an unlimited fine

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Trials of Odysseus of Homers Odyssey Essays -- Odyssey essays

The Trials of Odysseus   Homer's epic poem The Odyssey was written after his Iliad which told the tales of the Trojan War. This Odyssey told of the wanderings of a prominent warrior and ruler, Odysseus. Odysseus fought in the Trojan War and, after the Greeks claimed their victory at Troy, began his prolonged journey home. During his travels Odysseus faced many obstacles which he had to overcome. Through his wanderings, Odysseus had to prove his valor, intellect, and determination. Incorporated into The Odyssey are many current-day characteristics of man including a constant dependence on others, the presence of a greater vision, or lack there of, and the essence of a sensitive side behind courage and pride. At times throughout The Odyssey Odysseus didn't think about the consequences of his actions and depended on guidance from the gods to help lead him in the right direction. Odysseus was quick to take action and occasionally made poor decisions that were bound to harm him. Odysseus was eager to fight, even if he had little chance of survival. His impulsiveness resulted in Athena coming down from Mount Olympus to warn him saying "Foolhardy man! Still bent on war and struggle! Will you not even yield to immortal gods? This is no mortal being, but an immortal woe, -dire, hard, and fierce, and not to be fought down. Courage is nothing; flight is best" (116). Odysseus didn't know when to run and leave a situation and when to face and fight. He believed that his courage would pull him through to victory, even against a goddess. Without Athena's wisdom, Odysseus was sure to meet his doom because there was no way that he could defeat the goddess Charybdis. Odysseus not only depended on immortals to get him out of a mess, b... .... He felt comfortable showing this side because he knew that she wouldn't laugh at him, but would be understanding because she felt the same as he did; they both longed for each other. The Odyssey involved many current-day characteristics of man including a dependence on others, the existence of a greater vision, or lack of it, and asensitive side found behind courage and pride. Today people still face these problems and must work to overcome them. Man must learn to survive on his own determination and strengths instead of others. Man must also learn to see a greater vision and look at the big picture rather than the moment. Lastly, man must decide with whom he wants to share his feelings of fear, love, and despair so he can experience a greater fulfillment in life. Works Cited: Homer. The Odyssey. Trans. Robert Fitzgerald. New York: Vintage Books, 1962.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Motivation/Reward System

Essay 1: Motivation/Reward System by Blake P. Rodabaugh EDD 9100 CRN 35455 Leadership Seminar Nova Southeastern University January 15, 2012 Essay 1: Motivation/Reward System Employee motivation seems to be at the core of what defines leadership or more importantly a leader. The success or failure of an organization is dependent upon the ability of those in leadership positions and roles to motivate and inspire the members of the organization to high levels of performance.Leaders that are effective have the ability to increase the level of job engagement and organizational commitment on the part of employees. Particularly in the field of education, highly qualified and motivated faculty members are critical to the economic and academic success of the organization. Without them the organization at best stumbles along at a mediocre level and at worst fails (Siddique & Khan, 2011). There are two types of rewards when dealing with motivational factors of staff, extrinsic and intrinsic.Ext rinsic motivation is that which comes from outside of the individual such as money, promotion, coercion, grades, or the fear of punitive action. Intrinsic motivation is that which comes from within the individual through a feeling of enjoyment, pleasure, or interest in the task at hand. In investigating the type of reward system to be implemented whether extrinsic or intrinsic it becomes apparent that neither is the answer in itself. As with many aspects of leadership there appears to be no one style that works best all the times but rather is situational as to need.Extrinsic reward has been connected strongly with the encouragement of innovative behavior on the part of employees. This however needs to be taken on in moderation as there is a tendency for excessive motivation of an extrinsic nature to actually depress innovative behavior through the erosion of self motivation. Intrinsic motivation through the application of empowerment, development of human capital, recognition of ac complishment, learning and training support has shown to have a strong impact upon the level of employee innovation.When the two approaches are combined in a situation where extrinsic motivation is added to the aforementioned types of intrinsic motivation, the positive effects are amplified. The intrinsic aspects prevent the over-erosion effects often produced by extrinsic motivation. Thus, as with so much of leadership a combination of approaches is stronger than a single approach (Zhou, Zhang, & Montoro-Sanchez, 2011). A study designed to investigate the motivational factors that were of the greatest importance to faculty members in higher education found that there was a desire for a mix of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.Results demonstrated that while employee compensation and the overall benefits package were of significant importance to faculty members there was an expressed need for non-monetary rewards as well. Key were concepts of empowerment, positive and supportive work environment, recognition, training, involvement in the decision making process, and a sense of value from the organization. Crucial to the successful implementation of this is clear and open communication between faculty and those participating in all roles of supervision (Rasheed, Aslam, & Sarwar, 2010).An additional view of the concept of motivation is through the application of equity theory. Through this lens motivation of individuals is dependent upon how they view their ratio of outcomes to inputs in comparison to their perception of the outcomes and inputs of their peers in the workplace. This then serves as the basis for the individual to judge whether or not they are being treated fairly in the workplace. They may perceive a situation of either under or over reward, with those workers perceiving an under-reward taking action to restore perceived equity.Typically this action resolves into either a reduction of effort on the part of the employee or a request for greater rewar ds. Typically, the end result of this being that, if the employee is unable to achieve a perception of equity through either a reduction of input or an increase in rewards, they will eventually change employment (Skiba & Rosenberg, 2011). Professor Edgar Schein of MIT’s Sloan School of Management emphasizes a need for behavioral change to take place at all levels of an organization if it is to be successful in the creation of a strong organizational culture.According to Professor Schein it is important to have more than an empowering process in place. Organizations need to have everyone at all levels of the organization actively working together to establish behaviors that lead to an environment in which equal partnerships and mutually helping relationships are the order of business (Kleiner & vonPost, 2011). A Brazilian study of nine administrative units, composed of three factories, two bank branches, a university, and a municipal office focused on the impact of wages upon motivation and employee job satisfaction.The results of this study were in opposition to several others in that the administrative offices with the lowest wages displayed the greatest amount of employee job satisfaction and overall motivation due to intrinsic factors present in the work environment. In opposition to this the offices with the highest wages showed the lowest level of overall satisfaction and motivation. In total there were 458 respondents of which 252 were male and 206 female.In all instances of this study correlations were apparent with respect to perceptions of satisfaction and motivation in connection with leadership’s attitude towards staff in areas other than extrinsic (Pinto, 2011). Analysis of the Writer’s Workplace At the writer’s place of employment there really does not exist any real system of positive motivation and rewards beyond that expressed in the contract signed at the beginning of employment. Some might equate it to a system whi ch utilizes a carrot and a stick except that there is no carrot.Overall leadership and organizational culture is reflective of leadership neglect with the occasional out lashing of reactionary and punitive actions on the part of senior administration towards staff. The culture is one that reinforces a perception that unless you are among the chosen ones, the inner circle, that the best you can do is to hole up in your classroom and not draw attention to yourself. Senior administration sees itself as enlightened and visionary. Staff sees it overall as untrustworthy, arbitrary, reactionary, and punitive.The next step down from the most senior of administrators is seen overall as clueless, out of touch and somewhat delusional in a benign way. Middle level administration and leadership is viewed as having their heart in the right place but with very little power or influence to shape things in a more positive direction. Overall the motivation and rewards system is dysfunctional at best, unless you happen to be one of the chosen ones. What is needed is a system wide change similar to that proposed by Professor Schein in which observation, inquiry, and leverage are applied.This would entail observation of the manner in which employees at all levels of the organization behave, inquiring or deducing the manner in which they think or believe, and then applying the leverage. The leverage in this instance is small incremental behavioral changes that lead the organization as a whole to think and act differently. The impact and role of management in this process is critical as the various subcultures within an organization exist within all levels and facets of the organization including the various levels of leadership (Kleiner & vonPost, 2011).References Kleiner, A. , & vonPost, R. (2011, January 19). A corporate climate of mutual help. Strategy & Business. Retrieved January 21, 2012 from http://www. strategybusiness. com/article/11102? pg=all&tid=27782251 Pinto, E. P. (2 011). The influence of wage on motivation and satisfaction. The International Business & Economics Research Journal, 10(9), 81-91. Rasheed, M. I. , Aslam, H. D. , & Sarwar, S. (2010). Motivational issues for teachers in higher education: A critical case of IUB. Journal of Management Research, 2(2), 1-23. Siddique, A. , & Khan, M. (2011).Impact of academic leadership on facultys motivation, and organizational effectiveness in higher education system. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(8), 184-191. Skiba, M. , & Rosenberg, S. (2011). The disutility of equity theory in contemporary management practice. The Journal of Business and Economic Studies, 17(2), 1-19,97-98. Zhou, Y. , Zhang, Y. , & Montoro-Sanchez, A. (2011). Utilitarianism or romanticism: The effect of rewards on employees innovative behaviour. International Journal of Manpower, 32(1), 81-98. doi:10. 1108/01437721111121242

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My School and Its Teaching Environment Essay

In my school, the teaching environment is very good for teachers and especially for the students. When you see the school, at first you will say â€Å" wow! Excellent facilities, playground for teachers and students, cozy cafeteria and a library with good ambience where you can study comfortably, all classrooms are air-conditioned, enough computers for students with the ratio of 1:1 with internet connection. Each student has internet password as well as the teachers and staffs. The school used Fiber Optic line for internet (this is part of my work where I maintain the internet connection for the whole school). In my first 2 years in this school, I was assigned in Middle School but this year I was transferred to Elementary Department as Head of Information Technology including repair and maintenance with 24 hours a week teaching load for students from grade 1 to 5 (too many works hehehe) forgot to mention at the same time I am one of the administrators for TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language) exam. Every year, especially year-end everybody is waiting for contract renewal, thinking who will be renewed and who will say goodbye. If someone will leave then we are thinking who will replace them. Why? Simply because we are waiting for another teacher who will introduce another technique in teaching or I simply put it this way for new teachers: If you can’t beat us, then join us†¦ hahahahaha! The Culture of this country (Thailand) is almost the same in our country (Philippines) when it comes to being hospitable and respecting other people. They have great respect with each other especially with the old ones. In my school, students develop respect and tolerance for all others, regardless of religion, race, or class. One of the most distinctive Thai customs is the wai. Showing greeting, farewell, or acknowledgement, it comes in several forms reflecting the relative status of those involved. Generally, the salutation involves a prayer-like gesture with the hands, and it also may include a slight bow of the head. This salutation is often accompanied by a serene smile symbolizing a welcoming disposition and a pleasant attitude. Thailand is often referred to as the â€Å"Land of Smiles† in tourist brochures. There are a number of Thai customs relating to the special status of monks in Thai society. Due to religious discipline, Thai monks are forbidden physical contact with women. Women are therefore expected to make way for passing monks to ensure that accidental contact does not occur. A notable social norm holds that touching someone on the head may be considered rude. Pointing at or touching something with the feet is also considered rude. In every activity we do whether it is curricular or extra-curricular, we always align it to their culture if this is acceptable or not. But since we do have native speakers, sometimes they don’t even care about the culture. They always say that â€Å"Everybody knows what Thailand is† (for them most of the Thai women are slut, people have already changed) but somehow these native speakers must learn how to adapt into this environment. Yes, maybe that is their perception in this county and they forgot that they are Teachers. Teachers should give moral values and educate them in proper way. One of the problems of this school and even this country, discrimination between Asian and English Native speakers are very obvious. Sometimes they just use these native speakers as front of the school but most of the teachers are Asian who are more dedicated to work and yet under paid compared to these native teachers. Our administrators are composed of Executive Director (owner), Associate Executive Director, Business Director, Curriculum Coordinator, Student Support Coordinator, Principals and PTA. PTA in this school is very active in every. If we have activities either curricular or extra-curricular, the parents are always there to support us. Just to name a few for extra-curricular activities: 1. Students vs Teachers and Staff football match 2. Teachers and Staff vs Parents football match 3. Teachers, Staff and Parents vs Military Personnel Football Match 4. Teachers and Staff Football Match These are some interesting extra-curricular activities that everybody loves to see. Because even the owner of the school also plays in this event. We do have some curricular activities such as: 1. Debate in English(I’m the coach) 2. Debate in Thai 3. Public Speaking 4. Spelling 5. Story Telling 6. Quiz bee

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

5 Uses of Infinitives

5 Uses of Infinitives 5 Uses of Infinitives 5 Uses of Infinitives By Mark Nichol An infinitive is a phrase, consisting of the word to and the basic form of a verb, that functions as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Here’s a discussion of the five types of infinitives. 1. Subject An infinitive can constitute the subject of a sentence. For example, in â€Å"To go, even after all that trouble, didn’t seem worthwhile anymore,† â€Å"to go† is the action that drives the sentence. 2. Direct Object In the sentence â€Å"We all want to see,† â€Å"to see† is the direct object, the noun (or noun substitute) that receives the action of the verb. â€Å"To see† refers to a thing being done or, in this case, desired to be done: the act of seeing. 3. Subject Complement In â€Å"My goal is to write,† â€Å"to write† is the subject complement. A subject complement looks just like a direct object, but the difference is in the type of verb preceding it. The verb in the previous example, want, is a transitive verb. (Transitive verbs have two defining characteristics: They precede a direct object, and they express an action.) In â€Å"My goal is to write,† the verb is a copular, or linking, verb one that links a subject to a word or phrase that complements it. (In this sentence, â€Å"to write† is the goal, so it’s the complement of goal. Note that in the previous example, â€Å"to see† is what those referred to as we want, but it’s not the complement of we.) 4. Adjective In â€Å"She didn’t have permission to go,† â€Å"to go† modifies permission it describes what type of permission is being discussed so the phrase serves as an adjective. 5. Adverb In â€Å"He took the psychology class to try to understand human behavior,† â€Å"to understand (human behavior)† explains why the taking of the class occurred, so it’s an adverb modifying the verb took. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Compared "to" or Compared "with"?Rules for Capitalization in Titles20 Criminal Terms You Should Know

Monday, October 21, 2019

The eNotes Blog 8 Ways to Use Social Media forHomework

8 Ways to Use Social Media forHomework Students use their social media accounts all day long- likely both in and out of school. Meet them on their turf by assigning homework to be completed on various social media websites. Students will be excited to use the websites they love, and you can take lessons outside the classroom and bring them into the real world. Twitter 1. Hashtag Discussions Give students a discussion prompt, along with a hashtag to use, and watch as the conversation happens that evening. While students will be logging on at different times, it will be interesting to watch the discussion unfold. Require each student to write at least three responses and reply to at least one of their peer’s tweets. With Twitter as a discussion forum, you can join in as well, helping the conversation along if it seems to be lacking in substance. 2. Trending Current Events Citizen journalists are everywhere on Twitter. Use this as an opportunity to teach students how to follow and understand real-time, current-event reporting on social media. Choose one of the trending topics on Twitter (â€Å"Trends† is located on the homepage feed) and then ask students to find at least three reputable sources that discuss this current event. 3. 140-Word Reviews Students love movie day in class, but are they really paying attention? For homework, have students write a review of the movie in 140 words or less on Twitter. You can create a hashtag for this homework assignment so it’s easier for you to make sure that all students submit their review. Facebook 4. Business Facebook Page Design If you’re teaching students about business or economics, this is a great way to add that ever-elusive, real-world element. After students have written their business plan, have them create a Facebook page for their new company. They’ll need to create and determine a number of elements, all of which you can include in your rubric. For example: Create a logo Create a cover photo Fill in the â€Å"About† tab: you can decide what areas they’ll need to fill in (category, subcategories, short and long description, etc.) Post at least three things on your wall: encourage students to share information about their company or content that supports their â€Å"mission† 5. Classroom Poll Have one student a week write a poll question in your private classroom Facebook group based on the lesson of their choice. The other students have to log on and write a comment as their response to the question. The polling student puts that information into a Google spreadsheet at the end of the week and reports on the results and what they mean. Pinterest 6. Project/Paper Outline Boards Instead of having students write an outline, have them create it on Pinterest. Each student creates boards- you can choose a minimum number- for the various topics they plan to discuss in their paper. Their boards then act as creative inspiration when typing their first draft. Require them to label their boards (topics) as they plan to in their paper and write a paragraph about that particular section (topic) in the description area of their board. When finished, encourage students to add some of their inspiration photos to the final paper. 7. Visual Book Reports Have each student choose three main themes from the book, write a summary about the theme in the â€Å"description† area of the board, and then use imagery to show the themes from their point of view. Instagram 8. Photo Contest Instead of having students write about a topic, have them show you their understanding of it in photographs via Instagram. For example, ask students to explore the themes of To Kill a Mockingbird. Students would take pictures that depict the main ideas that were discussed in class. Note: If you already use social media in your classroom, adding these assignments to your current plans will be easy. If not, be sure you have permission from all parents (check out this social media permission form) before giving any of these assignments to students. This is a guest post from contributing writer, Jessica Sanders.  Jessica is the Director of Social Outreach for  Learn2Earn, an online fundraising platform that allows students to raise money by reading books. She grew up reading books like The Giver and Holes and is passionate about making reading as exciting for young kids today as it has always been for her. Follow Learn2Earn on Twitter and Facebook, and send content inquiries to

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Climate Change vs. Global Warming

Climate Change vs. Global Warming Global warming and climate change are sciences odd couple - you hardly hear one mentioned without the other. But much like the confusion that surrounds climate science, this pair is often misunderstood and misused. Lets take a look at what each of these two terms really means, and how (even though theyre often used as synonyms) theyre in fact two very different events. The incorrect interpretation of climate change: A change (usually an increase) in our planets air temperatures. Climate Change Is Non-specific The true definition of climate change is just as it sounds, a change in long-term weather trends - be that rising temperatures, cooling temperatures, changes in precipitation, or what have you. By itself, the phrase carries no presumptions about how the climate is changing, only that a change is occurring. Whats more, these changes could be the result of natural external forces (like an increase or decrease in solar sunspot or Milankovitch Cycles); natural internal processes (like volcanic eruptions or changes in ocean circulations); or human-caused or anthropogenic effects (like the burning of fossil fuels). Again, the phrase climate change doesnt specify the reason for the change. The incorrect interpretation of global warming: Warming due to a human-induced increase in greenhouse gas emissions (like carbon dioxiode). Global Warming Is One Type of Climate Change Global warming describes an increase in Earths average temperature over time. It doesnt mean that temperatures will rise by the same amount everywhere. Neither does it mean that everywhere in the world will get warmer (some locations may not). It simply means that when you consider the Earth as a whole, its average temperature is increasing. This increase could be due to natural or unnatural forces such as an increase in greenhouse gases, particularly from the burning of fossil fuels. Accelerated warming can be measured in Earths atmosphere and oceans. Evidence for global warming can be seen in retreating ice caps, dry lakes, increased habitat reduction for animals (think of the now-infamous polar bear on a lone iceberg), global temperature rises, shifts in weather, coral bleaching, sea-level rise and more. Why People Mix Them Up If climate change and global warming are two very different things, why do we use them interchangeably? Well, when we talk about climate change were usually referring to global warming because our planet is currently experiencing climate change in the form of rising temperatures. And as we know from monikers like FLOTUS and Kimye, the media loves blending words together. Its easier to use climate change and global warming as synonyms (even if it is scientifically incorrect!) than it is to say both. Perhaps climate change and global warming will get its own portmanteau in the near future? How does clowarming sound? The Correct Verbiage If you want to be scientifically correct when talking climate topics, you should say that Earths climate is changing in the form of global warming. According to scientists, it is highly likely that both are being driven by unnatural, human-caused reasons.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Gold Coast Tafe marketing and survey research Case Study

Gold Coast Tafe marketing and survey research - Case Study Example They possess the ability to make determinate relationship s between various constructs, they are easy to use, and have no researcher bias. The technique allows for precise definitions of concepts and relationships relating these concepts. This technique is also best used when those in participation have experience with the domain being studied (Fransella & Richard, 2012). For instance, they should identify representative elements and have the ability to compare them using a set of criteria. Performing a grid analysis with education experts on the value of an academic brand can be achieved through professionals and researchers who are familiar with current and recent advances in the education sector (Jankowicz, 2009). Repertory grids are best used when practical and concrete examples are available. For example, financial tools that study the current trends of education institutions in the same region as GCIT and regions that they want to expand to; this could be used to determine the value of the brand. To decipher this, there are certain procedures used in repertory grid analysis. The first is element elicitation where the researcher has to select elements that represent the topic. For instance, to analyze the value of a brand, the elements would include similar brands. For various types of knowledge elicitation interviews, cards are utilized with element names shown to participants. The second step is constructing elicitation where the researcher will perform knowledge elicitation using personal constructs from the elements (Peio, 2012). To understand the way in which the individual perceives the elements, the researcher elicits scalar constructs, for instance, using the triadic method where interviewed individuals compare various subjects and states how...This is important because the group should not have conflicts on the issue that is under discussion. In these discussions, future educational course trends and present trends are collected. To conduct focus group research, the candidates are screened to determine the composition of the specific group. The researcher will also avoid groups that have relatives and friends among them to avoid discussion bias. A key factor in focus groups is to have groups that are similar with six to eight groups being desirable. The criteria that will guide the researcher are whether the latter groups generate any additional information (Puchta & Potter, 2009). The moderator has a key role to ensure that the discussion proceeds in the right direction. In marketing, focus groups are essential tools for getting feedback with regards to launching a new product, for instance launching GCIT to a national and international market (Stewart et al, 2011). These focus groups will allow GCIT as they seek to develop and test a new market, to view, discuss, and test their brand before they make it available to these markets. This will give valuable information concerning the acceptance of the potential market for the institution’s products.

Communication in Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Communication in Economics - Essay Example It warned about its rampant inflation, unemployment, high rates of interests and soaring poverty. It feared that economy would worsen and collapse in the absence of strong and effective measures. The interest rate was on a record of seventy percentages in year 2005 while the inflation was more than three hundred and fifty percentage. This indicates the poor condition of economy of Zimbabwe. The International Monetary Fund warns that Zimbabwes gross domestic product will likely shrink another seven percent this year. In addition, some economists predict that by years end inflation could reach 1,000%. (Franceschi, 2005) Companies are shutting down, unemployment is increasing and there is shortage of food. The productivity has decreased. This resulted in various social problems like increase in crime rate, illegal immigration to other countries, increased corruption and many others. There are various political, economic and social reasons of Zimbabwe’s economic crisis. These range from leadership to corruption within the society. The causes of the country’s economic distress are as follows: â€Å"Among the problems most often cited are Mr. Mugabes land re-distribution policies, endemic corruption, the absence of the rule of law and Zimbabwes involvement in Congos civil war.† (Franceschi, 2005) There has been fuel shortage that influenced the industries adversely. The shortage of fuels has direct impact on the productivity and transport. It also affected the employment sector. The shortage of fuel has an impact on employment sector as well. It resulted in unemployment of many. The expenditure in government activities is suffering with unscrupulous spending and corruption. Government is ignoring the need to control the state expenses. The supply of currency within the economy is high. This is resulting in decrease in the value of currency. One of the important issues resulting in economic crisis is decrease in the level of foreign direct

Communication in Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Communication in Economics - Essay Example It warned about its rampant inflation, unemployment, high rates of interests and soaring poverty. It feared that economy would worsen and collapse in the absence of strong and effective measures. The interest rate was on a record of seventy percentages in year 2005 while the inflation was more than three hundred and fifty percentage. This indicates the poor condition of economy of Zimbabwe. The International Monetary Fund warns that Zimbabwes gross domestic product will likely shrink another seven percent this year. In addition, some economists predict that by years end inflation could reach 1,000%. (Franceschi, 2005) Companies are shutting down, unemployment is increasing and there is shortage of food. The productivity has decreased. This resulted in various social problems like increase in crime rate, illegal immigration to other countries, increased corruption and many others. There are various political, economic and social reasons of Zimbabwe’s economic crisis. These range from leadership to corruption within the society. The causes of the country’s economic distress are as follows: â€Å"Among the problems most often cited are Mr. Mugabes land re-distribution policies, endemic corruption, the absence of the rule of law and Zimbabwes involvement in Congos civil war.† (Franceschi, 2005) There has been fuel shortage that influenced the industries adversely. The shortage of fuels has direct impact on the productivity and transport. It also affected the employment sector. The shortage of fuel has an impact on employment sector as well. It resulted in unemployment of many. The expenditure in government activities is suffering with unscrupulous spending and corruption. Government is ignoring the need to control the state expenses. The supply of currency within the economy is high. This is resulting in decrease in the value of currency. One of the important issues resulting in economic crisis is decrease in the level of foreign direct

Friday, October 18, 2019

Consulting critical path analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Consulting critical path analysis - Case Study Example duce products that are innovative in the real sense which is wasting a lot of resources and time of the company, therefore this should also be looked at and the company should come up with a better plan of where and how to invest the capital. All these steps are vital to be carried out in an order so that the company can benefit from them. The first step towards coming up with an optimal solution would be to find a common ground for both the technical and sales team. This has to be done in order to work collaboratively with more resources to help solve the case. The technical and the sales team might seem an odd couple, but these days a product’s success depend upon the cooperation, ability, and willingness of the teams involved in it. Despite the differences between the technical and sales team, they are more linked then they actually think. In order to achieve success for themselves it is important that they work together for the success of the product, or a strategy in this case, from product launch concept to its implementation both of the teams’ efforts are required. Therefore, it is important that this not so odd couple be realized that there is only one way to conquer their common goal; to work together. Once both the teams realize the common ground between them, the strategy formulation stage wou ld be made easy and highly productive. (Kelly, 2002) The second stage that needs to be undertaken is the research stage. The case presented states that there has not been enough research done on the following issue, and without much analysis the consultants have highlighted the high volume of the products as the main reason for the decline in sales. Therefore, it is important to be sure of the issue and do additional research for that matter. In the research stage, the research teams carry out a consumer survey to find out their preferences and come forward with solid results supported by genuine facts and figures. If still the result is the same then the next

Language Acquisition Priciples Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Language Acquisition Priciples - Essay Example The article also discussed latest methods of teaching English as a second language and also the connected strategic actions. This article also details the position statements issued by three professional organizations about the teaching of ELLs. According to Judy Richardson (2005) the well known professional organization in the area of education is "Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages" (TESOL), which has issued several position statements. The most prominent of which is "Position Statement on Language and Literacy Development for Young English Language Learners" (October 2001). This position statement encompasses six main recommendations regarding language and literacy development for ELLs. The position statement underlines the need for: The position statement issued by TESOL and International Reading Association (IRA 2001), a professional organization dedicated to best practice in teaching literacy have demonstrated consistency in their approach with regard to what teachers should know and practice. These organizations have also laid down what rights the ELLs should be given. A meaningful mainstreaming and a proper evaluation of the ELLs is possible with the establishment of these rights.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Proving The Biblical Flood (Noah's Ark) Term Paper

Proving The Biblical Flood (Noah's Ark) - Term Paper Example To this end, God instructed Noah to construct a huge Ark that would shelter his family and also a pair of every animal and bird species in the world. It is stated that Noah complied to each and every of God’s commands and secured himself, his family plus the select pair of every animal and bird species in the Ark. Afterwards, the book of Genesis details a mega flood that rained for 40 days and 40 nights. To this end, Genesis 7:21-22 states that all flesh perished that moved on the Earth, every man, cattle, birds, beasts and all the creeping things (Beitzel, Barry, Barry L. Bandstra, and Laurie, 24). Only the people and land animals on board the Ark were spared. After, one hundred and fifty days, it is stated that the water receded from the Earth. Unfortunately, a majority of sceptics and atheists normally dismiss the Great flood as one of the many mythological tales. Most critics like to point out that there is no evidence on Earth for Noah’s flood. However, The Bible a nd especially the Book of Genesis is a true historical account of the universe. ... This fact is credible considering that all global surface water covers three quarters of the Earth surface. Evidently, some secular geologists have supported the theory that all the continents were once whole and not divided by the massive oceans of today. To this end, it is also a valid point that the receding waters of the flood were sufficient to effect the continental separation changes. Evidently, the Biblical scriptures state that God created the ocean basins by raising the land surface from the water so that the floodwaters may recede to a safer place. Most critics of the Great Flood normally seek for geologic evidence from proponents of the Great Flood. Evidently, a number of Christians are blind to the geological evidence that support the occurrence of the Great Flood. To this end, they have bought in the evolutionary idea that asserts that ‘the present is the key to the past’ (Shimmeal, 67). However, in examining whether the Great Flood really took place, direc tion from Biblical evidence is a starting point. Evidently, in Genesis chapter 7 to chapter 8, it states the fountains of the deep were fractured and water was expunged from within the earth’s core for 150 days. Furthermore, the heavens opened up and there was a global torrential rain for 40 days and nights. To this end, all the mountains and hills were immersed in water. In addition, all creatures on the land were swept away and died. Consequently, in attempt to check for evidence, one would expect to discover billions of dead animals and plants that have been buried and fossilized in layers of mud, sand and lime. Furthermore, such sediments would have been deposited instantaneously by water, within

Telehealth Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Telehealth Nursing - Research Paper Example While teleconferencing or telepsychiatry is generally administered for individuals living in remote locations, it has also been noted to be effective in emergency situations. The current situation is indicative of such a high area need. In establishing the steps that must be taken to arrange a successful psychiatric teleconference the nurse or medical professional must first make an assessment of the patient’s immediate psychiatric need. While the scenario has indicated that the individual has clear psychiatric problems, the extent of these issues is not indicated. In the situation that the patient is able to have control over their actions and make sound decisions then less oversight needs be taken in the interaction between the patient and the psychiatrist. However, if the patient has demonstrated a complete lack of self-care and serious mental impairment, then it will be necessary for the nurse or caregiver to remain present during the teleconference.   Ã‚   The medical r oom must adhere to patient privacy issues. Even as the situation is an out-of-the ordinary emergency situation, the hospital should have established a teleconferencing room where the patient can speak with the psychiatrist with the feeling of privacy and security. While security is important to the patient for personal matters, it’s also essential to quality psychiatric care in that the patient may be unwilling to disclose needed personal information if they do not feel secure in the teleconferencing environment.   In these regards the nursing professional becomes responsible for creating the proper environment of communication and maintaining the professional nature of the psychiatric meeting based on the patient’s specific psychiatric condition. The next stage of securing an effective telehealth conference is to make contact with the Tri-State health institute. It is unknown whether St. Theresa’s have previously investigated the infrastructure elements of th e Tri-State medical establishment of developed a working scenario for situations such as these, but in the instance they haven’t appropriate measures must be taken to establish appropriate connections to achieve optimum efficiency and professionalism. Within this context the nurse must act as a go-between with the two medical establishments. After the nursing professional has established communication with the Tri-State institute it’s necessary to communicate with the institute the situation. The nurse must then work to establish a timeframe for the psychiatrist to meet with the emergency patient. While telehealth is a relatively new field and approach to medical care, it’s still necessary for the nurse to approach the medical conference as they would a traditional doctor’s appointment. In these regards, after connection has been made with the psychiatrist the patient should be told to wait for the appointment time. In the mean time the room should be

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Proving The Biblical Flood (Noah's Ark) Term Paper

Proving The Biblical Flood (Noah's Ark) - Term Paper Example To this end, God instructed Noah to construct a huge Ark that would shelter his family and also a pair of every animal and bird species in the world. It is stated that Noah complied to each and every of God’s commands and secured himself, his family plus the select pair of every animal and bird species in the Ark. Afterwards, the book of Genesis details a mega flood that rained for 40 days and 40 nights. To this end, Genesis 7:21-22 states that all flesh perished that moved on the Earth, every man, cattle, birds, beasts and all the creeping things (Beitzel, Barry, Barry L. Bandstra, and Laurie, 24). Only the people and land animals on board the Ark were spared. After, one hundred and fifty days, it is stated that the water receded from the Earth. Unfortunately, a majority of sceptics and atheists normally dismiss the Great flood as one of the many mythological tales. Most critics like to point out that there is no evidence on Earth for Noah’s flood. However, The Bible a nd especially the Book of Genesis is a true historical account of the universe. ... This fact is credible considering that all global surface water covers three quarters of the Earth surface. Evidently, some secular geologists have supported the theory that all the continents were once whole and not divided by the massive oceans of today. To this end, it is also a valid point that the receding waters of the flood were sufficient to effect the continental separation changes. Evidently, the Biblical scriptures state that God created the ocean basins by raising the land surface from the water so that the floodwaters may recede to a safer place. Most critics of the Great Flood normally seek for geologic evidence from proponents of the Great Flood. Evidently, a number of Christians are blind to the geological evidence that support the occurrence of the Great Flood. To this end, they have bought in the evolutionary idea that asserts that ‘the present is the key to the past’ (Shimmeal, 67). However, in examining whether the Great Flood really took place, direc tion from Biblical evidence is a starting point. Evidently, in Genesis chapter 7 to chapter 8, it states the fountains of the deep were fractured and water was expunged from within the earth’s core for 150 days. Furthermore, the heavens opened up and there was a global torrential rain for 40 days and nights. To this end, all the mountains and hills were immersed in water. In addition, all creatures on the land were swept away and died. Consequently, in attempt to check for evidence, one would expect to discover billions of dead animals and plants that have been buried and fossilized in layers of mud, sand and lime. Furthermore, such sediments would have been deposited instantaneously by water, within

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Competition in the Bottled Water Industry in 2006 Essay

Competition in the Bottled Water Industry in 2006 - Essay Example The bottled water industry has expansively grown over the years. In the US, people consume billions of bottles of water, each week. On the average, the American population use close to $16 billion dollars on bottled water. It is expected that by the year 2020, the industry will account for $148 billion, from the $70 billion in 2005. The growth rate of the bottled water industry is remains positive, because most companies are increasingly shifting from bulk productions to bottled water (McEachern 130). Here, there are different competitors, who compete to be the best in the market. The key competitors, Nestle, Pepsi, Coca Cola, and Groupe Danone have developed effective strategies, which have made them to remain key players in the industry. Therefore, it is challenging for local sellers to compete with them. There are new entrants, and these introduce lower prices in order to compete favorably. A new trend in the bottled water industry is the production of the â€Å"enhanced waters.à ¢â‚¬  This are highly priced, thus, more profits for producing companies. The bottled water industry faced a high threat of substitute products. These mostly include the healthier products. Flavored water, vitamin added water, and non-calories water is the key substitute products of bottled water. ... Furthermore, the bargaining power of suppliers is quite low. This is because of the large number of existing suppliers in the industry. Similarly, the bargaining power of customers is medium. Since water is a basic commodity, consumers will not cease buying it due to increased prices; however, they can choose different brands from the available producers. Intense competition in the industry is a major competitive force in the industry. This is owing to the fact that the number of key global competitors in the industry is small. In addition, new entrants in the industry might base on the fierce competition to compete aggressively using product pricing. Furthermore, differentiation is an important factor in the bottled water industry. Therefore, developing the product is important in order to beat competition, as a new entrant. Nonetheless, basing on these factors, this industry is attractive for both the existing and new entrants, as long as they adopt effective strategies to counter competition. The major competitors in the bottled industry use different strategies to remain relevant in the market. Nestle is the world’s leading seller of bottled water. In 2005, this company had a market share of 18.3%. By 2004, this had 77 brands in 130 countries. The major strategies for this company are its low product pricing, and entering into joint ventures. Additionally, the production of enhanced waters since 2006 has boosted its profits. On the other hand, Dasani, the brand of Coca Cola, has also enabled the company to make great profits. In 2005, Coca Cola Company invested $20 million in the advertisement of Dasani, and distributed to all retail channels of Coca Cola Company. In 2006, Coca Cola diversified Dasani brand to include fruit-flavor.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Everyday Use Analysis Essay Example for Free

Everyday Use Analysis Essay â€Å"Everyday Use† is a short story by â€Å"Alice Walker†, it is a disdainful short story. A story about two sisters and a mom, that the two girls are totally different. Also teaching to stand up for what you want. This story is about a mom and a girl called Maggie that they live alone because the older sibling moved out. In the story Maggie and the mother have not seen how much Dee has changed in over six years. Dee in the short story sees that her sister Maggie and her mother have not change throughout these six years not a bit. In the story Dee and Maggie are examples of foil characters. Maggie is the very shy and polite one out of her and Dee. Maggie was the character that lived with mama, during the story it says that Maggie was burned in a house fire. This character is a character that would just blend into the background because of how shy she was, she wouldn’t talk to much; so she would rather just blend in with the surroundings. Maggie was a foil character because her and mama didnt change nothing throughout the six years that passed, while Dee did change a lot; throughout those six years. Maggie is a good hearted kid, she would rather let Dee have the quilts that were promised to her, instead of fighting over them. Dee is sisters with Maggie in this story, she is the character who is very impolite, or that does things her way. Dee is the only educated character; it says in the short story that she left so that she could be educated. Dee is noticed as a character that does whatever she wants, and have it go her way. One example is that, Dee wears a brightly colored, yellow-and-orange, ankle-length dress that is inappropriate for the warm weather. This shows that she would wear anything she wants even if its inappropriate in any way. In the story mama wouldn’t let Dee have the quilts, and she became furious. This another example that she is very stubborn, because in the end she keeps the quilts. In this story i learned that being generous and polite will get you farther in life, but if you’re stubborn, and impolite you won’t get as far in life.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay examples --

WHAT IS SCHIZOPHRENIA? Schizophrenia is a long-term mental disorder involving a breakdown in thought, emotion, and behavior. This brain disorder affects a person’s overall mental health state. Those suffering from schizophrenia experience one or more of the following symptoms: o Delusions, such as feeling that people are trying to hurt them o Hallucinations, such as hearing or seeing things that are not actually there o Bizarre behavior, such as talking to themselves or acting inappropriately o Disorganized speech, such as using disorderly speech patterns and sentence arrangements o â€Å"Negative† symptoms, such as lacking interest in personal hygiene, disinterest in social interactions, and lack of motivation Schizophrenia affects about 1 percent of the American population. Schizophrenia, although being common, does not affect one particular population over another. Cases of schizophrenia occur equally in both men and women, yet are more common in older teens and younger adults ranging from the ages of about 16-30. Schizophrenia will generally not be initially diagnosed in persons over the age of 45. The disorder is not more prevalent in any certain ethnicity. Schizophrenia usually does not affect children, except in rare cases. There is not an overwhelming amount of information about the etiology of schizophrenia, such as its specific biological/cellular causes. Mental health is a relatively young research field and much is still being learned concerning how the brain operates. Scientists do know, however, that schizophrenia is caused by certain chemical imbalances in the brain. Also, this specific brain disorder affects every inflicted person in a different manner, making it extremely difficult for scientists to fully und... ...he illness stop taking their medications. In this case, the individual is feeling more like normal and thus thinks they no longer need to take their prescribed medications. When this happens, symptoms will return, and will often lead to elevated suicide risks for the schizophrenic person. FOR MORE INFORMATION and HELP: o NAMI, National Alliance for the Mentally Ill ( o NAMI in the state of Ohio, 1-800-686-2646 o National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-8255 o Schizophrenics Anonymous Support Group in Cincinnati, Ohio o Wednesday, 2:45-3:45 at 2340 Auburn Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45219 o Contact Chris Pedoto, 513-241-1411, for more information o Cincinnati psychiatric doctors specializing in treatment for schizophrenia o David L Fedders (MD), 513-723-0390 o Michael A Gureasko (MD), 513-281-8840 o Khan & Seth (MDs), 513-585-3690 or 513-585-3690

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay on William Shakespeares Fools -- Biography Biographies Essays

Shakespeare's Fools      Ã‚   Shakespeare used foolish characters in his plays to make points that he considers highly important. I had previously supposed that Shakespeare was an entertainer who sprinkled his writing with observations about humanity and its place in the world to please critics. However, I discovered that he was a gifted writer who had a penetrating understanding the condition of humanity in the world and sprinkled his plays with fools and jokes meant for the common man as a way of conceding to his audience's intellectual level. Or, as Walter Kaufmann said in his essay "Shakespeare: Between Socrates and Existentialism," Shakespeare "came to terms with the obtuseness of his public: he gave his pearls a slight odor of the sty before he cast them." Kaufmann continues his essay by saying that Shakespeare, unlike many modern artists, "turned the challenge of a boorish, lecherous, and vulgar audience to advantage and increased the richness and the subtlety of drama." (Kaufmann 3)    Perhaps the best example of Shakespeare's use of the fool (and certainly the best in any Shakespearean play that I have read) is Falstaff in I Henry IV. In "The Fortunes of Falstaff," Wilson claims that Falstaff is the embodiment of the vice of Vanity: he is cowardly in battle, proud and pretentious, dishonest, conniving, lacks respect for the property of others, and is concerned only with wine, tavern wenches, and comfort. It would be easy for a reader (or play-watcher) unfamiliar with Shakespeare to conclude, in our own time, that Falstaff has been included in the drama solely to provide entertainment value.    However, Falstaff is also essential to the play in many ways. He is necessary in the development of Prince Hal, ... ...han I first supposed. Rather than being mere device for the entertainment of his audience, Bottom and Falstaff (and many of his other characters) are used, in these cases to contrast the other characters of his plays, to make important points that Shakespeare wishes his audience to understand. They are integral parts of Shakespeare's drama.    References Kaufmann, Walter. "Shakespeare: Between Socrates and Existentialism" in From Shakespeare to Existentialism. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980. Shakespeare, William. The Comedy of Errors. New York: Penguin, 1965. Shakespeare, William. Henry IV, Part I. New York: Penguin, 1965. Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night's Dream. New York: Penguin, 1965. Wilson, John Dover. "From The Fortunes of Falstaff" in Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part I. Ed. Maynard Mack. New York: Penguin, 1965.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Discussion of Paulo Freire’s Banking Concept of Education Essay

Freire implies that teachers are only telling students what to know rather than conversting with them, which explains why Freire insists that â€Å"education is suffering from narration sickness†(Freire 71). This means that he believes that educators only fill student’s minds with information, that the teacher feels is important, without providing the students the meaning and personal relevance that information has. By using this method, the student is oppressed by the teacher and unable to fulfill a complete state of consciousness. I can remember several times in my educational experiences where I have been the â€Å"depository† in Freire’s Banking Concept of Education, but no experience is more relative than my Organic Chemistry class three years ago where I learned that problem-solving education is vastly superior to banking-education because it allows students to acquire true understanding of their world and the ability to reach consciousness. During the summer of 2009, I took a summer semester of Organic Chemistry at University of California Berkeley. When I first entered the lecture hall, there were masses of people fighting for seats and some even resided to sitting on the floor or going into the side room to watch the lecture on television. As soon as the clock hit 9:00 am, five faculty members walked into the room: Professor Francis and four Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs). From the start, Dr. Francis went over the course structure, what it entailed, and how we as students could obtain help. While he was going over the syllabus information, he made one point extremely clear: â€Å"I cannot answer your personal questions during lecture time. If you have questions, please visit me during my office hours or please ask one of the GSIs. † After making that point, he transitioned into his lecture on functional groups; however, I was not following him. I immediately knew that this would be a lecture-only class, and I knew that I would need to write down every single note, diagram, or graph he showed us and memorize it for future examinations. Freire would acclaim that I would become a â€Å"depository† because I would simply allow Professor Francis to deposit his ‘knowledge’ into my mind without further question or thought. I would become a slave, oppressed by the very person who was supposed to free me (Freire 74). Dr. Francis continued in his slide show and a large slide labeled ‘Hydrocarbons’ appeared on the screen, and below the title were several different organic hydrocarbon functional groups, such as alkenes, alkanes, alkynes, benzenes, and toluene. He discussed each hydrocarbon in great depth and showed us students how to recognize them based on their bond sequences and patterns, how they react in the presence of other organic molecules, and how their chemical bonds affect water. After an exhaustive lecture of copying everything he said into my 12Ãâ€"8 notebook, he announced that we must memorize all of the hydrocarbon groups, and to be able to recognize them for an exam setting. Never once did he explain what what makes them important. I raised my hand at the end of the lecture, and asked him what the application of hydrocarbons are in the ‘real-world’. He replied not to worry about that, and that we needed to be able to recognize them and know how they function chemically, not practically, and why would he take the time to explain how hydrocarbons function? In order for Dr. Francis to keep his job, Freire asserts that, â€Å"the teacher must assume all of his students as ignorant†(Freire 72). This implies that if Dr. Francis had gone straight to the point and explained why hydrocarbons were important in the real world and in a laboratory setting, he wouldn’t have a job. It was his job to pick out extremely detailed and ‘useless’ properties and functionalities of hydrocarbons and make them seem important to us. By continuing to explain and confuse us students, he was able to maintain a shroud of ignorance over the student body, and from this, he justifies his job as absolute. This is what Freire refers to as the â€Å"cycle of ignorance† that continuously allows the teacher to keep his job because society believes that the ignorant students need him for their self-betterment. For the next several weeks, I adhered to Dr. Francis’s ‘Banking Style of Education’, and it worked. I received an A on every exam and test I took because I memorized and accepted the information Dr. Francis gave me without second thought. Freire feels that my total submission to the instructor was the reason for my success because he suggests that â€Å"The more meekly the receptacles permit themselves to be filled, the better students they are†(Freire 72). Freire’s explanation worries me because to know is not to know. Just because I could recognize different functional groups, which in the banking concept would make me a better student, did not mean that I could apply my understanding of organic chemistry to a real life situation because I hadn’t been taught to apply the information to anything at all. My ignorance and inability to grasp the true meanings and concepts of organic chemistry became extremely clear in the laboratory because the lab is where students take all of their knowledge and apply it to solve a problem or set of problems. After the first quarter of the summer semester, the laboratory portion of the course opened. My first assignment was to estimate the bond angles of methane, and at first I had no idea what to do because I had only been instructed to recognize methane and its bonding patters. I was never asked to manipulate the molecule’s properties to gain further understanding, and this caused me to realize that I was flawed because the ‘knowledge’ that I acquired was not mine, but Dr. Francis’ deposits of impractical segments of knowledge. With no idea where to start my laboratory or how to assess the assignment, I asked the Teaching Assistant (TA) for help. She simply replied, â€Å"Think about what you know about methane’s properties, and manipulate your knowledge so you can measure the bond angle. Needless to say, this was not helpful because I had no idea how to apply my knowledge and understanding because I was not taught to. I was simply an object who, according to Freire, â€Å"is in the world,† implying that I was not conscious of my own being and awareness (Freire 78). This is why I allowed Dr. Francis to continue depositing information into me because he posed himself as my liberator, my educator, but he was my oppres sor. By not being able to use and apply my knowledge, my critical consciousness and inner will to understand began to diminish. This is why Freire announces, â€Å"The more students work at storing the deposits entrusted to them, the less they develop the critical consciousness which would result from their intervention in the world as transformers of that world†(Freire 73). Freire implies that students lose the will power, the motivation, to develop awareness when they are force-fed information, so he argues that students must develop this ‘critical consciousness’ themselves through problem solving. This is when I realized that Dr. Francis couldn’t and won’t teach me how to understand what I have learned; I needed to learn how to apply and master the information I was taught by myself, not some other individual. Education is supposed to empower individuals; however, since I was ‘in-the-world’ I let the banking concept oppress me and my true understanding of knowledge. I failed the first Organic Chemistry lab. I didn’t know how to solve the problems and apply my knowledge, nor did I have the willpower to, so I simply gave up. I was incredibly frustrated after the first lab, not because I couldn’t get the right answer, but because I couldn’t apply my knowledge to solve the problem. I spent the next several lectures gathering notes, expanding on them, and making sense of the information; however, I was still unable to understand the information in practical terms. My frustration grew because I felt that all my efforts studying information and memorizing its contents was wasted. How could education provide all of this knowledge that we, as students, are unable to apply? What was the point of education? At the time, I felt education was society’s largest flaw because it wasted the time and severed the creativity students put into it. Freire agrees with me because he argues, â€Å"The capability of banking education is to minimize or annul the students’ creative power†(Freire 73). This implies that Freire agrees that education is flawed because it severs student creativity; although, it does not answer why we must learn meaningless and impractical information obtained in our lives. Freire responds that not everyone will find meaning through their education; however, he believes that people should continue to pursue the parts of education that students find interesting, such as in a higher education setting (Freire 76). I knew most of the information that I obtained in chemistry was impractical for most individuals and even myself in a day-to-day scenario, but chemistry was interesting to me. It was something that I wanted to pursue and gain further understanding of because every piece of information left me wanting more. Giving up and throwing my knowledge away was not an option because I wanted and worked my entire life to make sense of what I learned in this world, and it keeps on changing and reshaping every day. As a last effort, I went to the tutoring help desk at the university to get help, so I could understand my information and knowledge and apply it to the lab. I was assigned a tutor, Kevin, and he brought me and two other students into a small concealed 10Ãâ€"10 room with a large foldup table in the middle. We all sat down and Kevin asked us what we needed help with. The other students didn’t look like they were forced to be there and kept quiet, so I took the opportunity to obtain help. I told him that â€Å"I have a hard time applying the lecture notes in the lab. † Kevin explained that my situation was very typical because the lectures and exams were based on memorization where the labs relied on the interaction between what you know and how to solve the problem. He brought out an organic chemistry book and questioned, â€Å"Why is water polar? I immediately responded that water is polar because the oxygen atom has more elections than the hydrogen atoms at any one time giving the hydrogen molecules a positive charge and the oxygen a negative charge. Kevin told me that I was right, but this occurred due to the extreme differences in electronegativity. We continued to solve problems together and critique one another on our answers, and from this he was teaching me and I was teaching him. Freire would call this interaction, â€Å"problem-solving-education† because â€Å"The teacher is no longer merely the-one-who-teaches, but one who is himself taught in dialogue with the students†(Freire 80). This implies that both teacher and student work together to solve problems, and by doing so, they gain a greater understanding of the topic. This is exactly what Kevin and I were doing because we were teaching each other and able to create a more significant understanding and meaning of chemistry that allowed me to visualize a topic and solve it logistically instead of memorizing the topic and solving it formulaically. This is why Freire belives that â€Å"the conditions under which knowledge at the level of the doxa is superseded by true knowledge, at the level of the logos†(Freire 81). Freire’s text implies that common knowledge and understanding (doxa) can be transformed into true mastery of the subject and reason (logos). Since Keven and I were taking basic information and each giving it new meaning in our problem-solving tutoring sessions, I was able to acquire a true mastery and understanding of chemistry. Working with Kevin several times a week gave me a true understanding and relation of chemistry, which allowed me to pass my lab course with an A. Overcoming the problems of the banking-concept and learning the problem-solving method changed my life forever. I took the problem-solving method that I learned with Kevin and applied it with other students, colleagues, professors, and friends, so I could continue to problem solve and gain true understanding of knowledge throughout my life. Problem-solving education continues to be vastly superior to banking-education because in addition to learning and understanding information, problem-solving-education forces individuals to retain information they acquire so they can apply for future use. Since I was able to take knowledge and apply my understanding of it, Freire would conclude this type of understanding as â€Å"being with the world†(Freire 78). Being with-the-world means that the individual is conscious of their surroundings and is able to fully interact in the world they are in. Instead of being an object or vessel, the individual is able to make conscious decisions and interpret the world as they see it. This induces self-freedom and liberation in a person because when a person learns something, they retain that information forever and no human being in the world can take that information away. It also provides a mental salvation because if the physical realm is too harsh to live in, those who have mastered problem-solving and acquired pure consciousness can escape from their physical realm into their consciousness where they have stored all of their memories, techniques, and information, and no person can get to them besides themselves.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Most Ethical Course

I believe the most ethical course of action in the story of Felicia Robinson is to wait it out because her opponent may seem guilty at the time but he could also be an innocent man and she wouldn't want to have the stigma that she's a liar because of a mistake she has made. 3a. ) When coming across a survey showing majority of people in my state that oppose my position, I should point out those shortcomings that came my way during my the process because it will show that I'm a honest person, the people love honesty ! b. ) In my opinion,I believe the most ethical course of action when listening to an informative speech that is given by a classmates that has plagiarized is to talk with the speaker as a individual and inform them that I'm aware of their actions and strongly insist that they do not do it again, because I believe everyone deserves a second chance also I wouldn't want my fellow classmate to get hit with serious consequences over stupidity. 3c. I should not include a quotat ion from an article that is not supporting the policy I'am advocating for even if it's an article by a highly respected expert, because it will hurt the main point that I'm trying to make in my speech. *KEY TERMS (chapter 2) Ethics- the branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs. Ethical decisions- sound ethical involve weighing a potential course of action against a set of ethical standards or guidelines. Name-calling- the use of language to defame, demean, or degrade individual groups.Plagiarism- presenting another person’s language or ideas as one’s own Bill of rights- the first 10 amendments to the United States constitution. Plagiarism- presenting another person’s language or ideas as one’s own. Global plagiarism- stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing it off as one’s own. Patchwork plagiarism- stealing language from two or three sources and passing them off as one’s own. Increme ntal plagiarism- failing to give credit for particular parts of a speech that borrowed from others. Paraphrase- to restate or summarize an author’s ideas own words. Fist ten amendments Amendment I – Freedom of Religion, Speech and the Press; Rights of Assembly and Petition. Amendment II – Right to Bear Arms The amendment was adopted so that Congress could not disarm a state militia. Amendment III – Housing of Soldiers Grew directly out of an old complaint against the British, who had forced people to take soldiers into their homes. Amendment IV – Search and Seizure You may not be searched or have property seized without probable cause and/or a search warrant. Amendment V – Rights of the accused (Self-incrimination, Double Jeopardy, Due Process, Just Compensation)Amendment VI- Rights to a Fair Trial (Speedy and Public Trial by Jury*, Tried in state where crime was committed, Informed of charges against accused, Witnesses, Right to a lawyer) A mendment VII- Rights in Civil Cases (Trial by jury in civil cases over $20) Amendment VIII – Cruel and Unusual Punishment Bails, fines and punishments must be humane and fit the crime committed Amendment IX – Rights Retained by the People Any rights not listed in the Constitution are still protected Amendment X – Powers Retained by the States and the People States or people have all powers not given to national government. (ie: marriage)

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Automobile Industry History Essay

You are here: Home †º World Industries †º Auto Industry †º Auto Industry | Automobile Industry | Car Industry Auto Industry | Automobile Industry | Car Industry. Automobile Industry History : In the year 1769, a French engineer by the name of Nicolas J. Cugnot invented the first automobile to run on roads. This automobile, in fact, was a self-powered, three-wheeled, military tractor that made the use of a steam engine. The range of the automobile, however, was very brief and at the most, it could only run at a stretch for fifteen minutes. In addition, these automobiles were not fit for the roads as the steam engines made them very heavy and large, and required ample starting time. Oliver Evans was the first to design a steam engine driven automobile in the U.S. A Scotsman, Robert Anderson, was the first to invent an electric carriage between 1832 and 1839. However, Thomas Davenport of the U.S.A. and Scotsman Robert Davidson were amongst the first to invent more applicable automobiles, making use of non-rechargeable electric batteries in 1842. Development of roads made travelling comfortable and as a result, the short ranged, electric battery driven automobiles were no more the best option for travelling over longer distances. The Automobile Industry finally came of age with Henry Ford in 1914 for the bulk production of cars. This lead to the development of the industry and it first begun in the assembly lines of his car factory. The several methods adopted by Ford, made the new invention (that is, the car) popular amongst the rich as well as the masses. According the History of Automobile Industry US, dominated the automobile markets around the globe with no notable competitors. However, after the end of the Second World War in 1945, the Automobile Industry of other technologically advanced nations such as Japan and certain European nations gained momentum and within a very short period, beginning in the early 1980s, the U.S Automobile Industry was flooded with foreign automobile companies, especially those of Japan and Germany. The current trends of the Global Automobile Industry reveal that in the developed countries the Automobile Industries are stagnating as a result of the drooping car markets, whereas the Automobile Industry in the developing nations, such as, India and Brazil, have been consistently registering higher growth rates every passing year for their flourishing domestic automobile markets. Those who are interested in gathering more information about the Automobile Industry, may browse through the following links :

Ethics and corporate social responsibility Case Study

Ethics and corporate social responsibility - Case Study Example In this case, the company upholds a high level of responsibility to public and employees (Coca-Cola Company, 36). The other part focuses on offering the responsibility of employees to the company; in fact, this involves the scope of Code of Ethics that is applicable to managers and employees in the company and subsidiaries. There are orientation meetings that are held in every two years, where information regarding this Code of Ethics is offered to employees and they are expected to sign. Personal commitment of CEO to high standards of ethics Coca-Cola Company’s CEO has a high commitment to standards of ethics, whereby they are considered to be representatives of the company through their honesty, and consistency in every condition. In this case, CEO has a commitment of guiding employees in order to facilitate compliance to the Code of Ethics (Coca-Cola Company, 36). The CEO has the mandate of ensuring that managers in various departments, especially Human Resource department. Audits to ensure compliance with code Coca-Cola Company has an Internal Audit Department, which focuses on monitoring the operations and behaviors, which entail specified those that are stipulated in the Code of Ethics; thus, these audits are conducted regally in the organization annually (Coca-Cola Company, 36). Clear and logical consequences for failure to follow the code The Company has clear and logical implications of failing to comply with this Code of Ethics, whereby employees are subjected to penalties due to their misbehaviors. Moreover, there is detailed information concerning the process of punishment and it is entailed in the Code, and reviews of this Code of Ethics, which leads to necessity of making relevant alterations depending on stakeholders’ expectations. Environmental Stewardship Detailed assessment of the company’s environmental impact Coca-Cola Company has focus on being compliant with standards involves in operations that relate to supply chain, distribution channel and disposal of obsolete or broken products. In this case, this company is highly involved in recycling of bottles; in fact, this is a manifestation of their environmental stewardship (Coca-Cola Company, 50). On the other hand, obsolete products are disposed appropriately to avoid environmental pollution, besides most of these products are used to manufacture new products. Clear goals for improvement in each impact area The company has a goal of being complaint with provisions of legislation regarding the environment. In order to improve their impact area, the Company establishes procedures that facilitate employee compliance (Coca-Cola Company, 51). Therefore, the company established an obligation of their employees, whereby they are expected to comply with procedures and polices associated with environmental protection. Moreover, they are expected to give reports regarding any case of breaches to their managers and supervisors. Internal audits to ensure impro vements There are regular internal audits aimed at ensuring improvements through adaptation of objectives and principles. Therefore, continuous improvements involve activities that accomplish these objectives in regard to environment (Coca-Cola

Monday, October 7, 2019

Business Plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Plan - Coursework Example The US market share is captured by major players such as Nike, Addidas, Reebok, Fila, Timberland, Asics and Converse and others. Among them, Nike might be considered as the main competitor of 21st Wear as the company also targets the young customers. However, the products of Nike are quite high priced due to its premium brand image as compared to others. This can be treated as an advantage for 21st Wear to enter the market of US. The company can follow penetration pricing strategy by offering the products at lower prices as compared to the main competitors in order to penetrate the market successfully. This can enable 21st Wear to enhance its awareness as well as brand equity among the customers. As 21st Wear mainly centers on the teenage sportswear, it should introduce new trendy designs at a low price and promote through internet considering the fact that majority of the teenage customers are consistent online buyers (Magazine Publishers of America, 2004). Furthermore, as 21st Wear is targeting a particular segment, it should include a strong distribution channel and an effective product positioning strategy by focusing on product features such as quality, color and style to establish its brand name in the growing competitive environment of the industry. The company 21st Wear should introduce numerous stores at renowned places of US along with proper availability of its products and it should follow direct selling of the products to the customers. Moreover, 21 st Wear should use market penetration strategy in order to enter the market of US as it is highly competitive. Thus, these strategies can assist 21st wear to differentiate its products among others in the market (Kotler, 1999). Company Description 21st Wear is a US based sportswear company. It intends to offer high quality sportswear products at a reasonable price, especially focusing on the requirements of the teenage customers. The company renders products in different colors and trendy styles which a re designed by using good quality of fabric and latest techniques. 21st Wear sport products are mainly targeted to the teenage customers under the age group of 13-18. The product line of the company includes varied types of products such as T-shirts for boys and girls, jerseys, sports shoes, shorts, sports sweaters, pants, skirts, athletic shirts, hoodies, track suits and gloves. Notably, the products offered by the company are available in different fashionable designs and colors to attract the targeted customers. The company uses internet facilities to promote its innovative designs and styles to its customers, considering the fact that teenage customers are a major group of online shoppers in the US market. 21st Wear is comparatively a new market player in the sportswear market segment, and therefore, the company needs to plan effective strategies such as proper distribution, promotion, pricing and proper discounts in order to sustain it in the increasingly competitive market. Wi th this concern, 21st Wear intends to provide a wide range of sportswear selection to its targeted consumers at a cheaper price as compared to other competitors in order to penetrate the US sportswear apparel. Core Ethical Principles of Business The ethical principles on which the business of 21st Wear will operate are trust, teamwork, honesty and mutual respect amid the team members. The core corporate ethics will strictly

Sunday, October 6, 2019

REACHING YOUR INTENDED AUDIENCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

REACHING YOUR INTENDED AUDIENCE - Essay Example hen an individual intends to reach individuals suffering from diabetes mellitus he/she can go an outpatient department and provide health education intended. Those who are suffering from diabetes mellitus shall be interested in the topic and will be much engaged unlike those who do not. In essence, public speaking provides a broader way of reaching intended audience who are not known to the speaker. Publishing of newsletters: Newsletter is another simpler and cheap way of meeting the target audience who are known and unknown. An individual who wants to relay health information can use it through printing the intended information in newsletters and put them in strategic places that the public will pick. Among those who shall pick the newsletters some of the intended audience shall pick and read them. The intended information shall have been passed to the intended audience. For example, dissemination of healthy eating habits among diabetics can be passed through newsletter. Building of a website: websites provide a broad avenue of reaching the intended audience, which is achieved by developing a website that contain information that describes an intended health problem address. Those individuals who are interested with the information posted there shall read and utilise the information to better their lives (Livingstone, 2004). Direct mail: when the target audience is known, then direct mail is very possible to be employed. The health care provider shall compose an email containing the intended information they should be relayed to the audience. Emailing is better because it involves an exchange of ideas, questions and answers (Awan & Gauntlett, 2011). Zero-based budget: This strategy involves allocation of all the money to various activities that need to be done  during the entire  project  of the communication plan. At the end of allocation of money to various activities the balance should be $0. This strategy works best when an individual is sure that money is